Friday, August 24, 2012

Celebrate Back to School Days - Quilter's Blog Hop Party

Michele Foster, over at the Quilting Gallery, is hosting a
“Back to School Days
      Blog Hop Party”
from August 26th-September 3rd!
There are tons of blogs registered to participate in the hop and all are having giveaways, including me!


So, what am I giving away??


Nope!  NOT my Yogi!! 
But, how about this wonderful quilt book…


and this fun Autumn fabric panel??


To enter my giveaway, first you must be a follower of my blog, then leave a comment and tell me you are a follower and share your favorite Back to School memory- and I will ship internationally!! 
Winner will be randomly chosen on September 3rd at 9 pm!
Click on the Blog Hop Party button above on my side bar to visit the list of participating bloggers!! 
Let’s hop!!



  1. fun giveaway, I'm a follower. my favorite back to schoolwas not when I was little but when I moved from denmark to FL to go to college... the year before I also attended an art school in DK for 9 months, it was a boarding type of school, but the school was an old castle! my room was in one of the towers!

  2. I am a follower.
    My favorite memory of "back to school" is fourth grade. You see on the last day of 3rd grade I got glasses. I was amazed at all the things I had missed. I was excited to go to school and let everyone see me in my new glasses. I was even more excited to be able to see the chalkboard without walking to the front of the room.

  3. The year that my DAD was the bus driver. Not sure which year it was, but I felt pretty cool. Didn't realize it at the time that it was because my dad was on strike from his regular job, and he had seven children to feed. But he was my bus driver, and I felt pretty cool getting on the bus early, and having my pick of seats.

  4. See you on the 25th. Happy Hopping!

  5. I`m a follower and my favorite memory of back to school is is compare yourself to your friends who see who is taller and go buy notebooks, books and colors kits..that`s fun.

  6. I am a follower of yours. My favorite back to school memory was getting to be in the room of my favorite teacher again in 8th grade.(She got to move up from 7th to the 8th grade class.)Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  7. My favorite back to school memory was in the 7th grade. I'm an Army brat & we were transferred to Ft. Richardson, Alaska that summer. I made some wonderful new friends & got to live in an amazingly beautiful state for 3 years. Thanks for the giveaway. I'm a follower-receive your posts by email.

  8. i am a follower. My favorite memories involve new clothes and new school supplies for that first day of school. That was true as a child and still was true as a teacher myself. I really love getting fresh new school supplies to start the year. Love to show the office/school supplies aisle at walmart and office max for fun new stuff.

  9. mine is new clothes too thanks for the giveaway

  10. I have been a "faithful follower" of your blog for some time now.
    My favorite school-time memory is when I waited for my sister to be 1 year older so she could go to my school with me. We are only 11 months apart, so my mom always used to dress us up as "twins". She dressed us up in matching plaid skirts and white blouses and we pranced happily off to school together.

  11. My favorite memory is going into my senior year -- happy that it was my last year. Boy, 30 years later I am wishing I was that age again :) I am a follower. Thanks

  12. hmm I think I liked going back to school for second grade - I liked my first grade teacher who I got to keep for second grade. After that the "looking forward" steadyly declined ...
    and yes I'm follower

  13. I'm a follower! My favorite thing about the first days of school are new school supplies...fresh markers, unbroken crayons, love colored pencils, new notebooks and folders in coordinating colors.

  14. My favorite memory is having a new outfit to wear on the first day of school. I'm a follower. soparkaveataoldotcom

  15. My favourite memory was starting the lower sixth (age 16) as a prefect!

  16. Being of a certain age, favorite memory is going to buy my new pair of "saddle shoes" every year early so they would be appropriately dirty by the first day of school. We also had to have a certain blue/gray canvas notebook which we always personalized before school started. Judy C in NC is a faithful follower.

  17. I remember playing with little wooden blocks that helped you learn to count. They were so much fun. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I am a follower.

  18. Sou seguidora.Lembrança e saudade de sempre é minha primeira professora Sra.IARA,até hoje é um amor de pessoa,sempre alerta e ajudava a todos igualmente.A minha primeira série era sua primeira turma,primeiro emprego dela que nos incentivava a estudar e além disso prestar atenção e amar as pessoas a nossa volta.Hoje IARA está com 84 anos de idade e continua lembrando e chamando todos pelo nome,quando encontro com ela é de doer o coração emocionado.Obrigada por me deixar falar sobre escola e infância.Material escolar acho que teve sua importância...mas a primeira professora a gente nunca esquece.

  19. First week, second day of first grade when my best friend, John P, came knocking and we walked hand in hand to school. Oh those were the days - to be able to walk to school!
    I love the panel!

  20. Hi Polly,
    Back to school means back to work- each year it holds the promise of new beginnings and the excitement of young children. Its one of the things I love best about September- all those wonderful little ones ready to learn new things and be school students.
    I love your back to school quilt that you posted about recently- great fabrics and design.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a nice panel and book. I am a long time follower.
    Regards, Anna

  21. Shirline, I have no way to answer your comment as you post anonymously!! :-(

  22. I am a follower.
    I don't remember much about back to school, It's been too long, lol.

  23. My favorite memory of school was when I was in Sixth grade at a private Catholic school. We held an "election" for President Regan and I think Jimmy Carter. We were the class that did most of the work. We counted ballots and of course I voted for Regan. This fostered my love for the voting process. I am a follower.

  24. My favorite memory is when I started Junior High. My Mom made me an orange minidress andi had a new pair of whit boots! I felt really pretty in that outfit. :-). I'm a follower.

  25. I am a follower and love your blog. My favorite memory is buying school supplies...I know, nerdy, but I loved having "new crayons, glue and scissors". Guess I loved color early in life.

  26. My favorite memory would be walking to school on the first day, the chill in the air, and having new clothes and supplies. Thanks for
    the chance to win!

  27. I am a happy follower! My fav memory is having shiny new shoes. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

  28. Polly, I'm sure you wouldn't part with Yogi. He's so adorable! Love your giveaways too and I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. Thanks for the chance at a giveaway. I am a follower and have been ever since I discovered that you had Yogi. Love all the cute pics of him on your quilts. I have a Westie but she is not nearly as photogenic as Yogi. Favorite back to school memory is getting off the bus after a day at school and smelling the fresh cookies my mom was baking us for a treat!

  30. I am a follower of your blog through email. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. My favorite memory of back to school is when we sent our children back to school and made them stand on the fron porch for a picture on the first day, it is so fun to look back now even though they might not have liked it then.

  31. Im a follower. My favorite back to school memory is when we shared our stories among each others :)

  32. I am a follower and best thing I can remember is getting back to friends that you have not seen all summer.

  33. I am a follower! One of my favorite back to school memories was our Back to School dance we had in high school, always the Friday the first week of school.

  34. New clothes for 1st grade...a sweet memory.

  35. I am a follower. My favorite back to school memory was shopping for all the fun supplies and getting that new pair of saddle oxfords!!!!

  36. I'm a new follow by email. Thanks for the great giveaway! I love books. I can never get enough! As for school...buying new clothes for school .... Oh how I wish my mom still took me out for new clothes each fall! Lol!

  37. I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win. :) Favorite back to school memory is shopping for school supplies. Love the smell of new crayons and freshly sharpened pencils. :)

  38. I'm a follower! My favorite thing about back to school was the brand new school supplies, especially new pencils and notebooks!

  39. I'm a new follower. My favorite is all the school supply sales. I bought a 10 cent graph notebook and some color pencils, and glue, all for quilting.

  40. I am a follower! I enjoy reading your blog! I always loved the new school supplies. I still buy a new box of crayons this time of I mean for my kiddos! ;)

  41. I love the set out of your blog page. It feels like a happy place to visit. I am now your 685th, you have a few more than me!! I don't have many happy memories of my school years, however, the bus rides were fun - especially going home!
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  42. I'm a new follower and my favorite back to school memory is of going shopping for fresh notebooks and pens each year

  43. I'm a follower and that panel is adorable!!!

    I don't really have a favorite 'back to school' memory. I do love looking back through time at my daughter on her first day of school. She's grown so much!!!

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  44. I am a new follower. I like my Senior Trip . Thanks for chance to win.

  45. I am a new follower via email. School supply shopping as a new teacher - one of my favorite back to school memories!

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  46. I am a follower, and thank you for the chance to win! The book looks really handy--- lots of neat blocks! And I LOVE that panel!! One of my favorite "Back to School" memories is seeing my baby sister waiting at the corner of our fence-- so excited to see us walking in from the bus stop-- ready to have her playmates back again! :-)

  47. New email subscriber jlgibbings(at)hotmail(dot)com
    My favourite back to school memory was catching up with friends about what they had done over the summer.

  48. I am a new follower, and my favorite back to school memory was always going shopping for new school clothes and then getting to pick the outfit most loved for the first day!

  49. I am a follower. My favorite back to school memory is having my classroom and desk neat for the first day of school...after that my desk became a black hole that swallowed anything anyone else put on it! Good thing I had a teaching assistant to help me maintain some semblance of order!! Being a student was so much easier!!!

  50. I am a follower. My favorite school memory was when I started Jr. High and got to ride the school bus!

  51. I really love your Yogi. thank you for your chance. I am follower. hugs Alessandra

  52. I'm #5 of 6 kids and almost everything I got in life was a hand-me-down from my older sisters. My school uniform was theirs, my shoes, my bookbag and lunchbox. My favorite memory is every year getting those new school supplies! I loved getting new pencils! I loved getting my own box of new crayons! It seems like the little things in life can mean the most sometimes.

  53.  Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize.
    I am a follower. My favorite back to school memory was this year when one of my students got promoted to a higher level class because of all I taught her.

  54. I'm a follower, too. My favorite back to school memory......seeing all of my friends that I missed during summer vacation. My school days are so far behind me that it was hard to think of something specific. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

  55. I'm a follower and my best mermories are when school was gone. I always hated it!

  56. I am a follower and I loved going to school because we got new books and crayons.

  57. I am a follower. My favorite back to school memory is that the Labor Day holiday is soon after the start of the new school year.

  58. I'm fairly new at blogging but here is the link where I do:
    I’m now following you.
    Hmm School Memories, Well since we moved around a lot when I was a child I was very shy, so I guess it would be making new friends!
    Thanks for the awesome give away! God Bless and have a blessed day!
    Lv2sew2011@yahoo dot com

  59. I am a follower now... School memories... I loved the school supplies....

  60. Ooh, I've been wanting to do a mini sampler quilt from little blocks! What a great book! My favourite back to school memories... Having nice, new books all neatly covered by my mum - who was very good at covering them! I'm a follower too :)

  61. I used to teach school and was in the excitement of preparing bulletin boards about now! Always fun! I would love the book with mini blocks!

  62. Great to find your blog! I remember how fun it was to play "Red Rover, Red Rover send _______right over!! Love your give away.

  63. I can't remember a specific memory, but I LOVED going school shopping for supplies.

  64. I am a follower. My favorite back to school memory is that we each got two new sets of clothes for school. My sister and I were close to the same size in elementary school so we could swap and we had four outfits.

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. I am a follower. my favorite memory was high scool. i love to learn and it was like a different world. love the squirrel

  67. I am now following you via email =) My favorite back to school memories were of band camp. We'd have band camp the week before school started, and it was always a blast (unless I was the drum major directing that day, then I was frustrated. lol)

  68. My memories are a little sketchy It was so long ago! I do remember I liked school. I am a follower in my Google Reader. Thanks for the chance to win.

  69. gfc follower

    loved getting new school shoes.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  70. i am now a follower, and as for Back to school, my favorite memories are when I was in charge of the cram the van giveaway, we collected supplies, packed bags, accepted applications and distributed over 1,000 bags to students.

  71. I'm a happy new email follower. We always received new shoes for school. Still love getting new shoes..... Thanks for the opprtunity on the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.

  72. I am now following by email and looking forward to reading your posts.My favorite memories are of buying that new school bag , my sisters and I had such fun doing that. Thanks for the chance.

  73. I am now a follower. Memories of school is looking forward to the new clothes.

  74. I am a follower. My favorite school memory was getting the same teacher my brother had in 3rd grade. She was so nice and was a wonderful teacher.

  75. I follow thru email... my favorite memory is waiting at the bus stop with my new backpack, shoes and new outfit...

  76. I don't really have many fond memories of school. Most were just another day for me when I'd rather been at home!

  77. I am following your blog
    Via GFC - Linda Meyers Gabbard
    Via Email llmgabbard60 at Gmail dot com
    Via twitter llmg60
    Via Pinterest llmg60
    sent Facebook friends request Linda Meyers Gabbard

  78. My favorite back to school memory us just seeing friends again

  79. I read your blog faithfully always enjoying your projects and your endless energy! I always enjoyed getting new clothes and shoes for school. My mom made a lot of our clothes when I was young. Later as a teacher, I loved looking at the fresh faces eager to learn new things! Thanks for the chance to win something!!

  80. I read and follow your blog! thanks for the lovely giveaway! I loved back to school - shopping for school supplies was always fun - new books and I remember in 3rd grade getting to buy pastels for art class! fun fun!

  81. im a faithful follower, I loved going back to school cos I loved and still do, all the nice new crisp stationery and pencil cases I got to take to school

  82. I am a follower of course. buying new school supplies was always fun!!

  83. Oh Polly, I am indeed one of your followers. I love sitting on your porch and reading through your blog. Why not Yogi? I would love him and pet him just as I do fabric! I love what you are giving away, little things are "my thing". thanks for a chance to win and have a happy week. Hi Yogi!!!

  84. Ooops forgot back to school memory, my new clothes that came from the Montgomery Wards catalog, no wait, we picked them from the catalog, they came from mom and her sewing machine. :)

  85. When my 3 kids were in school, it seemed that the first month was solid chaos and crisis -- so hard to adjust to new teachers, new rules, and find new friends. I loved that first month -- every year!

  86. I love it when all my 4 sons started kindergarden

  87. I'm a new follower and my favorite back-to-school memory is when my best friend and I finally were in the same homeroom! Thank you for the chance to win!

  88. I'm a follower! My favorite memory of back to school is when I was able to find all different colors of pens that I could use to take my notes. I loved using green, purple, pink, and aqua. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  89. I'm a follower on GFC. I remember starting kindergarten and my childhood friend who was in the first grade showed me around and dropped me off in class :)

  90. I'm following you! :) My favorite back-to-school memory is how quiet and clean the house suddenly becomes! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway! :)

  91. I am a follower and my back-to-school memory is how you suddently have a new best friend forever. It just makes school more fun and a reason to show up at school. Best friends are forever and if your lucky enough, you have that best friend all through school. Thank you for participating in the Blog Hop and your generous gift of the cherished quilting book and the Autumn fabric panel.

    Sandi T.

  92. I'm a follower. Having my first car that I earned the money for, to drive in my senior year.

  93. I've been a follower for a while. My fav days were when I finally made a new friend and my new school. I went to 12 different schools growing up.

  94. I am a follower. I remember the excitement of new books, notebooks and a new teacher. I loved back to school shopping where we would get a new outfit or two and new shoes. Mine were usually saddle shoes or keds.

  95. I'm a follower. My favorite memory of back to school time was getting to go shopping and buy a new cardboard pencil box and metal lunch box :)

  96. I follow you via email posts! Best back to school memory is the thrill of seeing my friends that I missed all summer! awolk at rogers dot com

  97. I"m your follower :) Actually the most I loved about school that it was over :)

  98. I'm a follower! I didn't like school, but I guess I enjoyed hanging out with friends. And I liked math.

  99. I'm a follower. I loved school and back to school shopping was great! I was the only girl with five brothers, so I always got new outfits twice a hand me downs. Then I'd shop with my brothers for supplies and we'd share packages of pencils and erasers.

  100. I am a follower via email! I love, love, love that fabric panel! Great book, too.

    My favorite back-to-school memory occurred in the fall of 1995, when, as a non-traditional student, I entered my first college class. I was petrified, but I it all went well!

  101. I am a follower. I remember my own first day of school. My friend and I had the same outfits. Our mothers made us royal blue jumpers and white blouses. We both got new black and white saddle shoes. My teacher, Mrs. Robins, was only about as tall as her first-graders. Thanks for a chance to win a lovely prize.

  102. I am a follower. My favorite back to school was the year I went from Minnesota to Colorado for the summer, then to New Mexico for my 3rd year of college. Great experiences!

  103. I went to Catholic school from Kindergarten through college, so for the first 13 years of my school career we did not buy new school clothing except for uniforms and underwear. I did love getting a new pack of Crayola's. When I was younger, I got the 24 pack. It was one of the happiest days of my school years when I moved up to the 64 pack. The colors just dazzled me.

  104. I loved my new calender and pens etc.

  105. I'm a follower, and my favorite memories of back to school was getting new clothes and 1 pair of shoes (and they could NOT be tennis shoes, I usually would get Buster Browns).
    My least favorite was going to bed when it was still light outside and just wanting to play more.LOL.

  106. I'm a follower, and my favorite back to school memories were getting new clothes and 1 new pair of shoes(and they could NOT be tennis shoes) I usually would get Buster Browns.

  107. I'm a follower and I loved getting a new outfit for the first day of school! Most of the rest of my clothing was hand me down since I have two older sisters, so that outfit was always special!

  108. I am following as Renee G on gFC. My favorite back to school memory was taking my sons pictures each year on our front porch on the first day of school. I had them hold up their fingers to show what grade they were in each year. Love the memories.

  109. Am a follower. Favourite was back in '83, after going back to school for about a week, we were off for two weeks as we were helping my parents clean and pack everything for our emigration to Canada!

  110. HI, I too am a follower, my favourite school memory? I guess the only real going back to school memory I really have is my first year at secondary... a new school a new area (we moved in the summer), and no real expectations, we didn't know anyone (I am a twin), however, my Grandad used to teach at the school we went to. In hindsight my parents made a bad choice, but there we go... we fitted in ok, but missed out on our better school education x J x

  111. Following. Your blog is great! I love making small blocks. My favorite school memory is the new books! I would bring them all home and read and read!

    lin1322 at aol dot com

  112. New follower
    Rustling of leaves walking to school


Thank you sooooooo very much for taking the time to leave a comment! I am always happy to know that someone is reading my ramblings!! Polly :-)