If you listen really closely, you can hear my dear Bernina sighing in exhaustion and ecstasy!!
She has really been working hard lately! And what a trooper!! 

I logged over 30 hours thread painting my Secret Garden quilt!!

I am so happy with how it turned out!

I love the richness of the batik colors,

the variety of the flower blooms,

and the many shapes of the leaves.

The quilt pattern I used for it is “Location, Location, Location” by Edyta Sitar. But I did slightly change the arrangement in some places, as well as, adding more flowers, a tree branch at the top and lots of bugs and birds and fairies.

It was scary as I quilted it, because it was so very densely quilted on the flowers that it poofed out on the background and I thought that it would never quilt out, but it did!

Then, when all of it was quilted except the border, it again, was so densely quilted, that the border looked like a ruffle!! YIKES! Scared me to death!!

But, I made sure to densely quilt the border, too and amazingly, it did quilt out!! It is so stiff with thread that it almost stands up by itself!!

So, my new guest room is finally complete with My Secret Garden Quilt on the wall!! Woo hoo!!

After only raising sons with very masculine rooms, my husband says this guest room is too girly!! LOL!!

And my garden outside will never look so good, as I have brown thumb!

It’s getting close to the end of May…next weekend is already Memorial Day!! And my May Schnibble quilt is not done!! YIKES!! I gotta get cracking on it!! Where did May go????? And, what have you been working on this month?