She is simply delightful in every way! And this family sure did need some more estrogen!! She does resemble her older brother Neal, but has smaller features, light blue eyes, where Neal’s are brown, and lighter hair and skin tone, as Neal has olive skin!
Although spelled. Elle, we call her Ellie! And she has a determined spirit and a curious nature!! Neal is quite the older brother and is generous with sharing and teaching her new skills. They adore each other in every way, which is so nice to see!!
Anthony, Leah, Neal and Ellie came to stay with us in March, as the kids’ daycare closed down and both Anthony and Leah had to work from home like the rest of the country, so I was able to help watch the kiddos while they, and my husband, worked here in the house.

Meanwhile, our older son, AJ and his wife Meredith are expecting their first child- a boy!! Her due date is August 11th, which is right around the corner. We’ve all been social distancing and self quarantining , so we’ve not been around them to see the baby belly grow! That are both, also, working from home since March.

I had a pile of small utility quilts, each made from a singe charm pack, ready to bind, when the kids moved in. So they waited patiently in a pile, until the kids had moved on. They are all bound and given to Meredith and AJ for the new baby!

I also made them a larger quilt, with a requested lion theme, in blues and greys, that they can hang on the wall in the new nursery.

I also made them a matching lion pillow for the rocker, and gave all these quilts to them with a really big patchwork tote bag that matches one of the small utility quilts.

So, we all have babies on our minds these days!! Just waiting for the call that labor has started. We aren’t allowed to go to the hospital to see them there, but hope to see them all when they get back home.
So, that’s enough for now. Hope you all have stayed safe and healthy in this weird new reality. What has kept you sane these days? Are you sewing up a storm? Reading? Reorganizing stuff? Finding new ways to get some exercise? Trying new recipes? If you and your better half are spending so much more time together with working from home, like my hubby and I are, how’s it going?
It’s certainly a better commute, right? Ya gotta laugh, right?
Take care and stay healthy and safe! More to come!
God Bless!! Polly