I had today off from work and have been in my sewing room ALL day! Such fun! But I can't share what I'm making yet, because what I'm making are gifts and the recipients read my blog. It's not a quilt or table runner or clothing or a purse or tote. I got this idea surfing the net and saw one. I'm pretty good at looking at things, figuring out how it is made and then making it up.
My three bee friends- Linda, Lorraine and Suzanne, and I are going to Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, PA next week. We're leaving early Thursday morning so we can be there when it opens at 10:00am. Lorraine and I are driving together and will be coming back to VA Sunday morning, but Linda and Suzanne will stay longer.

We are taking a machine quilting class and a table runner class and will spend the rest of the time shopping!! :-) But this thing I am making is for us to use in the classes. I'm making one for each of us. I made only two today, as it took longer to make the first one and figure it all out. I've got the other two both all cut out and fused and pinned and ready to sew up tomorrow.
I have really enjoyed spending the whole day in my sewing room. I rarely ever get a whole day to myself just for sewing. It is so relaxing to me. I can't wait to retire!!
Take care and do some sewing tomorrow!! :-)