I think I told you all about the UFO challenge our local quilt guild runs each year? Because we meet in a local elementary school, our guild year runs from September through June, with the summer off. In October, you turn in a detailed list of the UFO's you want to complete during the year.
For each UFO on your list, you put $1.00 in the pot. During the year, as you complete your UFO's, and show them at Sew and Tell, the coordinator marks them as completed on your list. At the June meeting, a drawing is held. For every completed UFO, you get your name in the pot again. So If I had 10 UFO's on my list, I put $10 in the pot. If I finished 7 of my UFO's, my name goes in the drawing 7 times. The first name drawn gets one half of the money. The second and third names drawn get a quarter each! It's a fun way to earn money while finishing up your UFO's, right?
Well, it's only a week until our last meeting on June 1st. My UFO list has 20 things on it. I am trying hard to finish them all. I've got # 17 ready to quilt today...then only two left!! Keep your fingers crossed for me, OK?
So, one of the things on my list, was to finish the sewing cross stitch I had been working on at bee, when I had no quilts to bind. I don't take my sewing machine to bees...just hand work.
I was really into cross stitch back in the 80's....then I lost interest. I have found I still do like doing it, so now I keep a project in my bee bag, all the time.
Another UFO on my list, is this cute little house quilt. It started as a kit from Connecting Threads...but in the end, I used my sewing themed scraps to make it.
I'm taking down my old Mary Engelbreit sewing themed quilt that hangs over The Queen Mother, aka my HQ Sweet 16 Sit Down machine,
(you can see it on the right side of this pix) and replacing it with a collection of small mini-quilts... so these two will be up there, soon!
You remember my adorable grandson, Neal?
He continues to wrap us all around his little fingers. I love making fun things for him!! I made a bopple ball for him. He is teething and does not like to chew on hard things, but loves to chew on fabric like bibs and his bopple ball arms!! Isn't he just the cutest baby ever???? Those EYES!!
Yogi is dying to know what cute things YOU are making today??
No one will probably read this post because you have all given up on me, since it's been FOREVER since I posted!! Sigh... I'm blaming it on my laptop. Old, ancient technology that takes forever to boot up and then I have to figure out how too get all my iPhone photos over to it for posting...ugh!!
Just because I haven't posted in a while, don't think I've been a slacker in my sewing room!! 😜 You can look at my list of things made on my side bar to see how busy I've been. Seeee??
After my sweet Daddy passed away, we moved my dear Mother into a much smaller apartment in her same senior living condo in Florida.
So, I made her a new queen bedspread sized quilt with matching shams.
She really loved it!! Her and my favorite color is periwinkle blue. I'd been collecting florals in that color for years!!
Then I made her a wall quilt to hang over her bed
from the leftovers from the big bed quilt!!
I went on a spring quilt retreat in April with my local guild, and worked on two quilts.
One was the mystery quilt for our guild. I used up lots of leftover scraps from previous projects.
It was fun to do a bit every month, after the instructions were put in our monthly guild newsletters.
I am very happy with how it turned out! A Happy Scrappy BUSY Christmas quilt!!
And I also worked on a kit from Connecting Threads called Granny Love.
They were soft mini-prints that were very 30's like in appearance...so it really did look very old and vintage.
I did swap out two light solids from the kit for two modern word print fabrics.
Yogi is still hanging in there. He just turned 16, and although he is almost completely blind and deaf, he still is the apple of our eyes!