And I loved Carrie’s name so much, that I named mine the same - “X-Rated”!!
And what’s even more appropo is that I used two layer cakes of Moda “Bliss” that I won a while back from Carrie herself in a Schnibble drawing!!
This quilt was super easy to cut and sew together, but I did have a problem…
because it is laid out in rows on a design wall, then sewn one row at a time, I had no design wall or empty floor space big enough to lay it out on…
so, I had to divide the pile of pieces into four stacks, and lay out only one quarter of the quilt at a time, then sew that quarter together, then lay out another quarter, sew it together, then join it to the first quarter. It was a pain to do, but so worth it! I do sooooo love this quilt!!
I realllllly need a bigger design wall, or even a big empty floor space!!
But I was able to lay it out on my kitchen island to pin baste the sandwich… so much easier on my back and knees than on the floor!!
So, what are you sewing on this week?