Monday, March 19, 2018

Waiting on Spring

Just when some of the trees are starting to bud out, we're to finally get some snow!!  What is that???  Just love this pix from Google...

Well, I participated in a quiltalong at my wonderful local quilt shop, Oh Sew Persnickety.  We used the book- The Fussycut Sampler.

While it's fun to sew along with other folks on a schedule, I have learned by doing this quiltalong, that I am NOT a willing fussycutter!!

It is sooooo verrrry hard for me to cut motifs out of the middle of a fat quarter or yardage... I was brought up to be a saver of fabric, no wasting allowed!!

I used my Halloween stash for this quilt, and while I like how it turned out, I won't ever be doing a whole quilt using the fussycut method...  just to wasteful for my economical soul!!

I made a quilt for my younger son for Christmas, and although I did finish the top before Christmas, I didn't get it quilted and bound until recently.

It is one of the Missouri Star's disappearing pinwheel quilts.  I saw the original quilt when Jenny from Missouri Star came to our local quilt show a few years ago, and I loved her fabrics, so I bought the same exact layer cake.

We are sooo enjoying our little grandson, Neal!  It is so fun to watch him grow and explore his world!!

Yogi is still hanging in there!!  He wants to know what you are working on these days!?


  1. I finished the top for a Quilt of Valor this afternoon. It feels so good to have it ready to quilt. I love the label you made for the fussy cut quilt. So funny!!

  2. We are wondering where Autumn has gone. It was 41 Celsius today, 105.8 in your scale. Not Autumn wheather at all....
    I have to agree about the wastefulness of fussy cutting. Not my thing either but your quilt does look good.
    Great masculine quilt you make for your youngest son.
    How cute is little Neal. 🤗😘
    What a precious photo of Mum with Neal and gorgeous Yogi.....A hug 🤗 for him from us.

  3. I'm desperately waiting for spring too. It snowed here the last days and today too a bit and I'm so sick of winter and the cold. I wanna have hot weather and green outside again.
    Sometimes it's fun to fussy cut fabrics but all in all it's also not so much my style.
    Your Neal and Yogi look so cute together:-)

  4. Great Halloween quilt. I have only fussy cut for my hexagon quilt. It does waste fabric but some of the fussy cutting I have seen on Instagram is amazing. I made one of Jenny''s disappearing nine patch quilts too. I love the results but my OCD kicks in hard when I watch her tutorials. Not enough pressing!
    So done with Winter. Hugs to Yogi.

  5. Oh I wish I lived closer to Haymarket. It is not that far, really, but I am just over committed these days with daddy, hubbs, grandbabies, my kitties, and well, me.

    One day....

    I love your quilts. I agree about fussy cutting but the result is amazing. I try to save as much other fabric that I can use in a scrap quilt..... as if.

    Neil is adorable, Give Yogi a big kiss from me.
    Yes, we are of course getting snow in Ashburn too

  6. I am not a willing fussy cutter either, but your quilt is lovely. Your little Neal is so handsome and of course, I'm glad to hear that Yogi is doing okay. Cute pic!

  7. You made some wonderful quilts here! I know what you mean about fussy cutting...the effect is beautiful but there is some waste! Love that churndash! And your grandson is adorable. Too cute!

  8. I love your Halloween quilt! And yes I hear you on the fussy cutting... I do use it for small items but I couldn't possibly use it for big projects... or maybe I would butcher one or two fq's for a project, if I was really keen to fussy cut!


Thank you sooooooo very much for taking the time to leave a comment! I am always happy to know that someone is reading my ramblings!! Polly :-)