Thursday, February 26, 2009
Yipeeee skipee! Quilt Show here we come!!
It seems like every year when this show is on, the weather between here and there is snow or ice, so we never want to get out in that! It's supposed to be 70 there tomorrow!! But, let's be serious for a we're going for the weather!!! NOT!! I've got a list of some fabrics to look for to complete some projects and hope to find some new patterns, as well. I also am always on the lookout for new gadgets and tools....good deals on thread and sterling silver quilt charms for my bracelet. What do you get the most excited about at quilt shows? Leave me a comment and let me know!! I always come back so inspired and ready to sew!!! See ya in a couple of days! God Bless! Polly :-)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I love these big grommets!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Skinny Beach Quilt Class

Friday, February 20, 2009
You use lace to create the foam from the surf and sew real shells on, too.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Drawers Galore!

It is a pleasure to be able to sew and just turn and reach easily a different foot or a tool right next to me. One of my favorite storage containers is my green craft bag with the carousel that allows it to rotate. When I need to pack up stuff for a class or retreat, all I have to do is pick it up and put it in my tote and everything I use the most is right there!! What a find!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Where do you stash your STASH?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Take a peek at my sewing room!
Let's talk about sewing rooms! I'd love to see yours! I have lots of books on setting up your perfect sewing room... and I love to read magazine articles on sewing room organization... especially ones with lots of pictures!! This is the first house in which I have my own sewing room. Even if it IS the smallest room in the house- it's all mine!! It does have a big closet where I keep my stash.
An applique quilt I made years ago with a sewing theme was the jumping off point for deciding how to decorate my sewing room. I have always loved Mary Engelbreit with her adorable little children prints and use of bright colors with black and white checks and such.
So my sewing room is all Mary Engelbreit...from the window valance to the cover on my big board ironing board and the applique quilt on the wall...and lots of knick-knacks and pin cushions from her line, as well.
I have a Quilter's Dream sewing table by Horn for my Bernina 640E. I have an inexpensive cutting cabinet/table from Joann's and my husband made my big board for my ironing board. My Westie Yogi has a dog bed up on the table so he can look at the squirrels on the deck out the window. And one wall is covered with a felted batting for a design wall. My Target bookcase is full of quilting, sewing and embroidery books. And my Walmart black media cabinet is full of chick flicks in both DVD and VHS formats. I have a black metal 4 shelf unit with my TV/VCR/DVD and other supplies, as well as three mini-drawer sets for scraps and an antique drawer unit on the top for my fat quarters.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A Day Off!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
TAADAA! Two posts in one day!!
The pattern also includes a simple wallet made of two pieces of fabric from purse scraps fused together back to back then zigzagged around and stitched up the sides. Very quick and super simple...but just really for dollar bills or such.

Tonight for Valentine's Day, my husband and I went out to my favorite local Chinese restaurant- Charlie Chiang's. YUM! I had honey chicken and brought home enough for lunch tomorrow!! What a deal! And no cooking or dishwashing is ALWAYS a treat for me!! :-) Hope you had a wonderfully sweet day!!
Now, tomorrow morning I've got to get my Kaffe Fassett fabrics pulled from my stash and packed up for my Crooked Cabin workshop with Pat Sloan in the afternoon. Should be fun as my guild friends are always a treat to be with and add playing with fabric to the mix and what's not to love??
Well, it's movie time! We're going to watch "Nights in Rodanthe"...hope it's a good one. Have a restful evening! God Bless! Polly :-)
All done! Ready for next project!

Friday, February 6, 2009
It sits close to the wall, which I really like! And I always need more places to store quilts! I have them on an old antique ladder and in a pie safe, too. I'm always looking for more ways to display and store quilts. How do you store your quilts? I'd love to hear your ideas! Leave a comment! :-)
Well, my Westie Yogi is feeling better. It's now been 10 days since his torn ACL was repaired surgically. He goes to the vet tomorrow to get his staples out... I don't want to be holding him when they do that....YEOW! Now that his morphine patch has worn out, he is feisty again and thinks he is superdog. He is not to be jumping on stairs or furniture and I'm having to watch him like a toddler... Our bed is really high off the floor and he is used to sleeping with my husband and I and will launch himself off the bed in the night if he hears a sound, so he must now sleep in his dog bed on the floor and he is mad about that, too. But he is feeling better, so that is a good! God Bless! Polly :-)